H H The Dalai Lama's Teaching Schedule



September 11 - 14  Idaho (specific public events and venues to be finalised later)

September 16 - 18  Teaching in Tucson, Arizona.  His Holiness will teach on the 8th Chapter of Shantideva's Bodhicharyavatara at the invitation of Arizona Teaching Inc., P.O. Box 43997, Tucson, AZ 85733 

Contact: 1-877-327-7187 (Toll free from outside Arizona in the US and from Canada); 1-520-327-7187 (From inside Arizona

Website: www.arizonateaching.org

September 19  His Holiness will give a public talk/interfaith dialogue at the Tucson Convention Centre being organised by the Arizona Friends of Tibet. Contact: 520-885-6527; Email: aztibet@mindspring.com 

September 20  His Holiness will give a public talk at the University of Texas-AustinAdmission free with ticket. Ticket distribution information will be posted as of April 1, 2005 at  www.utexas.edu/student/txunion/  

Contact: Dr. Patricia Teed, The Texas Union, P.O. Box 7338,  Austin, TX 78713-0338; Tel: 512-475-6604 Email: patriciat@union.utexas.edu


September 22 Houston, Texas (Programme at Rice University; details to come later)


September 24  New York City and New Jersey (His Holiness to give teaching to the Vietnamese community); Contact: Sharyye Moore at email: Airlineambnyc@aol.com or Judy Gin at email: Sumajudi@aol.com or Oanh Nguyen at email: Othienkimoanh@yahoo.com 

September 25  His Holiness will give a Public Talk on "Peace, War and Reconciliation" at Rutgers University, New Jersey 

Contact: Dr. Linda G. Schulze, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rutgers , The State University of New Jersey

Tel: 732-932-8068 Fax: 732-932-1956  

Email: lschulze@rci.rutgers.edu 

September 25  At 3:00 pm, His Holiness will grant audience to Tibetans and Buddhists from the Himalayan region at the Madison Square Garden (Contact: Tashi Lhadar (Phone: 732-642-7376); Tashi Wangdu (Phone: 718-730-2925); Sakya Palden (Phone: 212-274-1031)

September 26  Programme at Columbia University (details later)

San Francisco (Stanford University)

November 4  Dialogue between Religion and Neurosciences

November 5  Meditation and public talk; Discussion on Non-violence (Contact: Elaine Enos at Phone:650-723-2551 Fax: 650-723-8231

 Email: elaine.enos@stanford.edu

November 8 - 13 Programme in Washington, DC

November 8 - 10  Mind and Life Conference (Contact: Mind and Life Institute; Phone: 303-665-7659, email info@mindandlife.org

November 13  Public talk  (Contact: International Campaign for Tibet) Phone: 202-785-1515, email info@savetibet.org

Contact address of visit coordinator for His Holiness' visit programmes to North and South America: 

The Office of Tibet, 241 East 32nd Street, New York, NY 10016 (USA)  

Tel: (212) 213-5010 Email: otny@igc.org  

(The Office of Tibet, New York, is the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for the Americas)



January  Kalachakra Initiation at Amravati, Andhra Pradesh (Tentative)

We are giving you the above information about His Holiness's upcoming teachings, both confirmed and tentative, as received from the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India.  However, since changes could take place or new teaching engagements included during the course of His Holiness' visit programmes within India and abroad, you are welcome to contact for latest information either this office or Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, P.O. Mcleod Ganj, Dharamsala (H.P.) - 176219, INDIA         Tel: [91-(0) 1892] 221343/221879, Fax: [91-(0) 1892] 221813 

E-mail: ohhdl@vsnl.com

Practical advice for attending HH the Dalai Lama's teachings in India

When His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives public teachings in India you would be well advised to bring: a cushion, an FM radio, a cup, and a sunhat and given the security checks that take place, as little else as possible.

All teachings in India are free and except certain restricted and tantric teachings prior registration is not necessary. You should check as soon as you reach the place where the teaching is given. It is helpful to bring few extra personal passport size photos in case registration is suddenly required due to security or other reasons.

In the West seating for public events is, likely as not, arranged by ticket and seat number and you keep the seat you are thus assigned. In Tibet and India for many public events seating is on the floor or on the ground. However, the convention amongst Tibetans is that you take your seat on the first day of a series of teachings, mark it with a cushion or a piece of cloth, and thereafter keep to that seat for the duration of the teachings. This is how Tibetans have traditionally avoided hassling each other over who sits where every day. So, following the old adage about when in Rome do as the Romans do, it seems reasonable to suggest that when among Tibetans do as the Tibetans do.

On most occasions when HH the Dalai Lama is teaching publicly in India an effort is made to provide a simultaneous translation into English. This is made available by radio. If you wish to listen to the translation, you are advised to bring an FM radio with headphones so as not to disturb the majority of listeners who are listening in Tibetan. Although the quality of the signal varies according to the circumstances, you can often improve reception by changing the angle and position of the antenna of your radio, which is often incorporated in the headphone lead.

Tea and offerings to the monastic community
It is customary for tea to be served to the gathering, so it is worthwhile carrying your own cup. You will often notice that money is offered to monks and nuns. This is an offering to the spiritual community. Both the tea and offerings are paid for by contributions from patrons and the general public. If you would also like to contribute there is nearly always an office near the teaching location where you can do so. How much you give is entirely at your discretion, but you will be given a receipt.

Protection from the sun and the weather
His Holiness the Dalai Lama makes a point of encouraging those who are sitting in the hot sun to cover their heads and so protect their health. Similarly he asks people to put up umbrellas or take shelter should it rain. It is useful to carry a soft sun hat or piece of cloth and / or a small umbrella.

Tibetans tend to keep their shoes on when they are sitting on the ground, or at least keep them on until they sit down. Taking your shoes off and carrying them in your hand through a crowd sitting on the ground means that you carry them right in front of people's faces, which most people prefer to avoid.

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