Loving Kindness Meditation
by Ven Jampa Gendun 
(Given at Chenrezig Institute 1994) 
"The cultivation of compassion is one of the most powerful ways to accumulate creative potential and to purify our own negativities. Its a very skillfull way of making use of what will ultimately benefit us, but also as a present antidote to the negativities within our mind. So we're going to use the loving kindness meditation as an antidote. So at the end of this meditation "Think", at the very end "Its finished! Okay! Come to some sort of clear, even if its only artificial, which it probably will be at present .... Okay?
I have done something about that, its done, its finished!
And feel a sense of purity, a lightness, a sense of clarity in your mind, a sense of innocence and just dwell in that sense of clarity, lightness and innocence. This heavy burdons been lifted off your back. Its not as heavy as it was okay. So we'll try that. So if you take a comfortable, firm posture ........ 10seconds
So first, we'll get in touch with our bodies and notice any tightness or tensions, maybe, there's some tightness in the upper shoulders in the back of the neck,
upper back and consciously bringing you're awareness to those areas ...... 8secs and loosening ..... 5secs and relaxing and softening .... and you can feel actual sensation of tension moving down and out of your body into the ground as your body becomes more and more comfortable .... it feels good .... 30secs and in a relaxed manner just bring youre mind to rest upon the breath ..... an easy gentle in and out breath, if its useful using the techniques of counting and noting .... 2mins
So well begin with the power of repudiation. This involves recollecting some specific or general negativities or unskillful actions that youve created, and developing a sincere sense of regret. so you can single out or make some general observation about the unskillfulness of your actions and develop a sincere sense of regret around them ..... 60secs
Now we're going to apply the power of antidote ..... We're going to do that through our meditation on loving kindness and we're going to begin our meditation of loving kindness on ourselves, so whatever negativities you feel you have created in the past, you can develop a sense of regret. You can determine not to repeat them again in the future and whatever identity you may hold to, however you may conceive yourself, you can change, you can become anything that you want to be, but just for this present moment, we want to set aside the past and the future, and simply try to befriend ourselves in the present moment. Try to make friends with ourselves, be kind to ourselves and wish ourselves well.
So just begin to generate some kind, caring feelings toward yourself ..... wishing yourself all the good things of life, everything that youve ever wanted. May I be happy. May I never be disatisfied. Be kind to yourself. Wish yourself well ...... 45secs..........................................
Now think of someone that you love, and that you care a great deal about and imagine them in front of you and if you can't see them, it doesn't matter, just feel that they're there and remember all the good times that you've shared together and all the various kindnesses this person has shown you ....... 20secs
And begin to direct outwardly, to radiate out, the kind caring feelings that naturally arise when you think of this person in this way. Feelings of, wishing them happiness that they not have problems, that they not suffer. May all your desires be filled, may you always be happy, wish them well, wish them happiness .......... 45secs ...........
Now, think of someone that you neither like nor dislike, a stranger, someone you feel indifference toward, imagine that person in from of you ..........
We want to try to go beneath the superficial appearances, through which we usually relate to people, you know, whether they are male or female, young or old, beautiful or unattractive (to ourself). Go beneath all of that and try to see someone there, who wants to be happy and doesn't want to suffer, just like yourself, exactly like yourself .......................... 45secs ................ and radiate a wish of happiness and well being to this person, since they're exactly like yourself, they too want to be happy. They too do not want to suffer, wish them well ............... 30secs
Now, think of someone that you don't like. Someone who disturbs your mind ....... Imagine that person in front of you ........... This person, want to be happy and doesn't want to suffer, just like yourself and perhaps their method of finding their happiness, solving their problems has come into conflict with your methods of finding your own happiness, solving your own problems, just a conflict of self interests. you've hurt others either intentionally or unintentionally in the past to find the happiness you were looking for. Now perhaps this person's done the same to you.
So just for this present moment, set aside you hurt, your grudge, your anger and try to see someone very much like yourself, someone who's trying the very best they can to get some happiness out of life, often times being very confused about how to go about it, and making many mistakes along the way .........   and out of the rich generousity of your heart, forgive them,
and wish them well ............................50secs ......................
Now, imagine these four people together, yourself and these three others, just feel that they're there. They all want happiness, none of them want to suffer and though you have different feelings for each one of them and though they appear very different to you, essentially they're exactly alike. Behind each of their eyes is a being whose struggling to be happy, whose trying to eliminate their suffering, no difference ......... and without any feeling of bias, radiate out a w i s h  o f
h a p p i n e s s t o a 1 1  f o u r equally ................................................................................................................
....................... 40secs.
And all the people in this room, people who are trying to take responsibility for their lives, trying to grow ..... Wish them success in whatever they're looking for, wish them that they find it, whatever it might be, wish that they have it, wish that they be well, that they not suffer extend, radiate out to everyone in the room, wishing them well-being and happiness ..................................................................
And begin to extend this wish out, radiate out this thought of well being and happiness further and further, to all the people at Chenrezig ....... And the surrounding area ................................ in youre hometown, the people in their cars, in the buses., on the streets and offices, factories, shops, they all want happiness, none of them want to suffer ........        wish
them that happiness .....................................10secs
Further and further ...............     All of the state ......................    People, animals,
insects ..........20secs ......(think of each capital city in your country), .............Extend this wish out to the entire country ..................20secs
Southward to (continent south of you), further and further northward the entire (southern or northern ) hemisphere .................. Taking the entire world into your heart, all the people, animals, insects, everything that lives on the Earth is touched by your wish that they be happy, that they not suffer .......................... 20sec ..........................
And radiating out this wish in all the directions of space ................ 15secs........ ...............May all beings be happy .................... May all be happy ..................... 60secs .................
Imagine that the compassion and love that you're now feeling transforms into a brilliant white light, completely purifying all the negativities that you've specified, through the four powers completely eliminating any darkness of mind or body, traces of negativities whatsoever. It's all gone, its only light and purity and innocence. That burdons been lifted from your shoulders. Its finished .................. 20sec ...................
Just stay with that feeling of purity and innocence ................ 45sec
And gently bring your mind back to the breath ..................... And slowly becoming aware of your body ..........................in a very gentle and relaxed fashion, becoming aware of your surroundings ............................."  [End of formal meditation]



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